If you’re like many Americans, the start of summer means it’s time to hit the trails. One 2021 study found that trail-related activities like running, jogging, and hiking were the most popular outdoor activities nationwide.

Of course, jumping back into your favorite activities can bring unique challenges. When it comes to ankle and foot surgery in Boise, many procedures happen as a result of exercise-related injuries!

If seeing a Boise ankle surgeon isn’t on your summer wishlist, it’s important to take good care of your feet and ankles. Here are a few tips.

Ease Back In

If it’s been a while since you spent time doing your favorite warm-weather activities, ease back into them. Swimming, hiking, and playing outdoor sports are great ways to spend your time this summer, but give your body the time it needs to readjust!

Prepare your feet and ankles for more activity by stretching before you head outside. Even better, simple strength and stability exercises can help you prepare to move more while lowering your risk of an injury.

Use the Right Footwear

If you’re looking for easy ways to avoid ankle pain, picking the right footwear is a no-brainer. Depending on your activity, specialized footwear can help you protect your feet and ankles as you move, offering much-needed support. It might be tempting to save space in your luggage by leaving this specialized footwear at home, but your ankles are safer in these well-fitting shoes.

One unspoken factor of hiking safety, for example, is bringing and wearing the right gear. This includes hiking boots with high-cuff ankle support. The extra protection can keep you from finishing your day with a bad sprain or even a broken ankle!

If you’re using traditional athletic shoes for an activity, make sure your shoes are in good condition. Running with worn-out tread can put more stress on your feet and ankles.

Avoid Uneven Surfaces

Where possible, avoid running or playing sports on uneven surfaces. Rocky terrain, loose gravel, and areas dense with tree roots or plant debris can be hard on your ankles. Instead, try to find asphalt, grass, dirt, or sand for your activities.

Get Support

If you’ve had ankle or sports injuries in the past, support your return to activity with the right brace. Neoprene braces and sleeves are easy to find online, and while they won’t prevent all types of ankle injuries, they can offer a bit of extra support when you need it most. Kinesiology athletic tape may also help you add support and prevent ankle pain.

Pay Attention to Your Body

Never ignore ankle pain. Listen to your body, and be prepared to set aside time for rest if you notice that your ankles are feeling a little worse for wear. This is especially true if you’re still recovering from a recent ankle injury, no matter how minor.

Try These Tips From Boise’s Best Ankle Surgeon

At Flint Foot & Ankle Institute, our goal is to help you do what you love without pain. Whether you’re trying to navigate your healing journey from a recent injury or you’re just looking for preventative measures, the tips and tricks above can help.

If you need extra support for your pain, reach out to our team for more therapeutic options. There are plenty of alternatives to ankle and foot surgery in Boise! Reach out to schedule an appointment today.

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