A bunionette, also known as a tailor’s bunion, is a painful, bony protrusion that forms on the outside of the foot near the pinky toe, unlike bunions that occur on the inner part of the foot near the big toe joint. Bunionettes form on the outer part of the foot; these prominent bumps commonly form near the fifth toe. Most tailor’s bunions form as the joint response to abnormal pressure on the foot from tight, restrictive, or flat shoes without support. Tailor’s bunions are commonly inherited, and family history can mean a higher risk of forming a bunionette. Bunionettes can cause significant irritation with pain ranging from dull to sharp. Bunionettes can impact daily activity.
Signs of a Bunionette
Bunionettes can often be identified easily. The visible bony bump on the outside of the foot near the pink toe is a telltale sign of a bunionette. Pain and discomfort in shoes is another common sign of a bunionette. Bunionettes can cause further irritation, including a pretensity to developing blisters which can progress into ulcers. For patients with additional conditions like diabetes, this can be very dangerous and should be addressed immediately.
Treatment Options
There are a variety of treatments available for bunionettes ranging from at-home options to more severe solutions like surgery. Most patients start with conservative solutions and progress to more serious solutions if the other remedies fail to resolve the issue. Many treatment options for bunionettes focus on alleviating discomfort over removing the bunionette entirely. The treatment method utilizes changes based on the patient and their specific case.
There are factors to consider when treating bunionettes. A patient’s age, lifestyle, and other foot issues can impact treatment plans. These factors should be considered when choosing between conservative or surgical options. Many patients choose a conservative treatment, to begin with, but if those fail, a surgical option may be needed. Some conservative treatment methods include over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, adding padding to shoes or wearing a custom orthotic, or changing shoes to a shoe with a wider toe box area.
Treating bunionettes is two-fold. Pain management is the priority of Flint Foot and Ankle because we understand that irritation and pain can be significant. The bone pressure irritated nerve can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life. Restrictive shoe gear can help to relieve the pressure and pain and even remove the bump on the skin over time. Bunionette surgery is a simple procedure that involves removing the sharp or prominent edge of the bone. A trained foot surgeon can perform this procedure in an outpatient setting. The bone structure needs to be remodeled or repositioned to relieve the pressure creating the bunionette. Minimal incisions are necessary for this surgical repair. The recovery process varies from patient to patient and based on the severity of the bunionette, but many patients can bear weight on their foot in 4-6 weeks.
Consult a Boise Orthopedic Surgeon and Foot Specialist
No matter what treatment method you are considering for your bunionette, Flint Foot and Ankle can assist in your healing. Flint Foot and Ankle can assist with diagnosis and conservative treatment options like orthotics and with more aggressive surgical solutions. No one has to live with foot pain, bunionettes are treatable, and you can reclaim your life.