Achilles tendonitis is a condition caused by overuse of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is a tissue band connecting the calf muscles to the heel bone. Achilles tendonitis is common in runners who suddenly increase their distance or intensity, and people who play sports like tennis or basketball only on the weekends are also typical Achilles tendonitis sufferers. Many cases of Achilles tendonitis can be treated with some self-care and rest, but more severe cases can require professional medical care.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is commonly identified by a mild ache in the back of the leg when running or playing sports. Overtime pain can increase in severity, especially after running, sprinting, or climbing stairs. Tenderness and stiffness, especially in the morning, are additional symptoms. Swelling and a hot feeling in the Achilles area are also signs of this diagnosis.

Risk Factors

Like any medical condition, there are risk factors that increase the likelihood a person will develop Achilles tendonitis. The top risk factor is age; as a person ages, they are more likely to develop Achilles tendonitis. Males are more likely to experience Achilles tendonitis. Additionally, people with physical problems like flat feet can be more likely to develop this condition. Obesity, training choices, and other medical conditions like high blood pressure can all contribute to an increased risk of Achilles tendonitis. People with risk factors are not the only ones to experience Achilles tendonitis; anyone can develop this condition.


Preventing Achilles tendonitis is easy when you understand some of the common risks. Increasing activity level gradually is a vital prevention technique. Choosing the right shoes can also impact your risk for Achilles tendonitis and help keep your feet and legs healthy. Shoes should have adequate cushioning for the heel and firm arch support to reduce tension on the tendon. Shoes should be replaced when they wear out to protect your feet. Stretching, cross-training, and strengthening your calf muscles are all steps that can help reduce your risk of developing this condition.

When to seek treatment for your tendonitis

Medical care should be sought when the pain because persistent. Persistent pain and swelling are excellent indications medical treatment is necessary. However, if the pain is sudden and severe and impacts your ability to walk, immediate medical attention is essential; This could be a more serious issue like a ruptured Achilles tendon. Achilles tendonitis is a highly treatable condition, and there are various non-operative treatment options that Flint Foot and Ankle can provide. A medical diagnosis is essential to ensure the correct diagnosis is reached and can help with treatment options. Doctors can diagnose Achilles tendonitis with various techniques, including physical exams, Xray, ultrasounds, and MRIs.

Consult a Foot and Ankle Specialist in Boise

Flint Foot and Ankle is an excellent resource for non-operative treatments for Achilles tendonitis in Boise. There are many methods of treating Achilles tendonitis. Rest is one of the top treatment options. Physical therapy can be another important step, especially if a muscular imbalance or weakness caused tendonitis. Finally, anti-inflammatories like Advil or Aleve can greatly aid healing and reduce inflammation and pain associated with this condition.

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