15 million Americans will have surgery this year, according to the American College of Surgeons. Most surgeries don’t pose many serious risks, and the outcomes are improving all the time. Surgery is still a common fear, and understandably so.

Fear doesn’t have to control you. You have many options for managing and overcoming surgery anxiety.

The doctors themselves might have tips in some cases. Orthopedic surgeons in Boise offer a treasure trove of ways to fight anxiety. Keep reading to learn about some of their suggestions and how they work.


Sometimes knowing more about your specific situation makes it less frightening. Finding out you need surgery creates a lot of anxiety and can cause confusion.

There is a phenomenon known as flashbulb memory. This occurs when somebody remembers a traumatic or unpleasant event in great detail. The memory itself often changes over time, so the memory is less accurate the longer time goes on.

Someone with surgical anxiety might panic when learning of an upcoming surgery. Fear can distort their perception.

They may come away thinking the situation is much worse than it is. You can learn more and dispel false perceptions by doing research.

Talk to Your Orthopedic Surgeon

Most doctors have experience dealing with the fear of surgery. Most doctors will answer any questions the patient has. A calm, well-informed patient makes the surgeon’s job much easier.

Patients tend to ask the same few questions about surgeries. These questions deal with things like the probability of success or failure. Many patients ask about any special circumstances in their case.

Breathing Exercises

You can control your anxiety on your own by practicing mindfulness. Anxiety triggers a fear response in our brain, often called the fight-or-flight response. Part of this response involves causing our breathing to speed up so we can draw on the extra energy.

Breathing exercises work as a “body hack” against this. When your breathing slows down, your body responds by canceling your fight-or-flight response. This calms you down.

Distract Yourself

It’s amazing what distractions can do. Occupying your time is often a great way to forget about any fears we have surrounding surgery.

Think about what you like to do. Make it a point to pursue those interests in the time leading up to the surgery.

Listen to your favorite music or watch a few movies. If you have the time, start reading a new book. Maybe you can finish it before surgery.

Surgery Anxiety and How to Overcome It

Surgery anxiety is a problem that many Americans deal with. Failing to address it makes operations that much harder. The good news is that you can beat surgical anxiety with self-control and a little information.

We’ve discussed a few methods of controlling your anxiety here. Not everybody is the same, though, so what works for someone else might not do much for you.

Read our blog to learn more about orthopedics and orthopedic surgery. You can always contact us if you’re in need of orthopedic surgery. Flint Foot & Ankle is well-versed in helping patients overcome anxiety! Do not hesitate to call!

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